Sunday, April 26, 2009

Permaculture bees, Bill's bees, Furgle's bees

We have had a good spell of fine weather and I'm concerned that I am giving my bees enough space.

The latest colony to get established last year on the student's Permaculture allotment is in one new brood box. I was going to just put on another super but on opening up found there was no queen excluder so instead I could have put on another brood box. Before doing so I had to take out the frame of drone brood and so may as well give the brood box an inspection. It was full of queen cups with eggs in. Either the bees were feeling tight for space, even though there were still four undrawn super frames, or they don't like their queen. Either way I will take her out of there soon. At least she was still there today. After removing the queen cups and completely capped frame of drone brood I shut it up again.

I put a complete new brood box full of new foundation on one of Bill's hives. That will keep those bees busy for some time and eventually allow me to remove Bill's original brood box.

Furgal's bees have two brood boxes and a super of old stores under the queen excluder and badly needs a full inspection. Unfortunately Furgle has been busy on his plot on a daily basis and although not there today Sunday is not a good day to open up and take to bits a hive when there are children in plots nearby.

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