Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Honey stripes moved

This is what Neville found when he went to sort out honey stripes.

I inspected the one brood he had left set up today. Honey stripes was still there.

George's bees didn't survive the winter so I have moved Honey Stripes to the safety of his back garden.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Honey Stripes hive attack

After two weeks away (last chance for a holiday until August) I had plenty of email to sort out that had accumulated whilst I was away. I was distressed to find one from three days ago informing me that honey stripes three brood box hive had been knocked over and that I was impossible to find in order to go and rescue the distressed bees.

On my immediate emergency visit I found that there was one box in place and a crown board with fondant on it and a roof in place. So Alex had found someone to help. There were bees in the brood box, although they were using a gap between crown board and brood box for an entrance. I'm now keen to inspect and see if Honey stripes is OK. If she is I will have to move her to somewhere safer ASAP.