Friday, May 1, 2009

UEA Permaculture allotment, George's bees

The yellow queen that was picked up as a swarm in the UEA grounds I am going to call 'Ziggar'. So far this year she has been laying really well. It is almost as though she had just got settled down at the start of this year. But she is no longer young and her bees on inspection today were very skittish and in the middle of the brood box at the bottom of one of the frames was the reason why. Queen cells. Several fat queen cells in production. Fortunately I had decided it was time to move her and had her new home ready (she is going out to a village in country for her retirement). She is marked and on my second go through the box found her on the second frame in. Removing her should stop her bees from swarming which I reckon they were about to do at any time.

George's bees needed their first inspection after being moved a week ago. They were doing really well with a good looking frame of brood and plenty of eggs laid in the last week. The hive needs a regular crown board and some supers.

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