Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Honey Stripes, Old Costessy

I took one of the four supers off Honey Stripe's hive. The three left on do have some honey in them and today the bees were putting more in. Although it was a hot sunny day today the bees know that winter is approaching and the first three frames of the top brood box in Honey Stripes hive are now solid with stored honey and no longer contain brood and pollen as they did a month ago.

Willow2 (2009) was laying well and there is now a Willow3(2009) (daughter of Willow2(2009)) also doing well in what was the top brood box of Willow's hive last winter. (Honey Stripes is Willow2(2008)).

When this sunny spell is over and I have taken what honey there is off and the ivy comes into full bloom I need to put another new super and feeder on each of these hives.

Most of the hives at Old Costessy had laying queens although Norman's number three hive must have swarmed recently and was full of drones with more hatching out.

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