Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tina, Hive on bricks, Willow's hive

I moved Tina out of her bee brief and back into a regular brood box today. I don't know how much more egg laying she can achieve but there were two good frames of sealed brood with her today.

At last! The hive on bricks has a laying queen and judging by the propolis she is an offspring of Sticky. I thought my attempts to add queen cells had failed.

I opened Willow's hive for an inspection today. The bees seemed much happier and were making honey again. But on the first frame of the brood box there was a queen cell. It was however the only one and it seemed to be on a frame isolated from the main brood colony where there were plenty of eggs. There were queen cups but they didn't have eggs in them. I didn't see the queen but it seems that she has been accepted by the bees now and the swarming impulse has waned.

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