Thursday, March 26, 2009

Allotment apiary and Postwick

I opened up the last three hives in the allotment and checked they had laying queens. The swarm hive near the path has a good looking leather brown queen marked red and she seems to be laying well. The hive at the end by the Russet apple tree is on brood and a half and looks OK and the hive that was from Thorpe that re-queened in the allotment also has a laying queen

At Postwick I took out the two frames that I had put into the hive that had the old queen that had stopped laying and put them int a nuc box with a frame of stores. One of the frames has a couple of small queen cells on so we will see what will happen in a few weeks time.

I stole a second frame from the double brood box hive at the front (and saw a marked red queen) and put that frame into the brood box of the old non laying queen and reduced the hive to just one brood box. I don't think I should steel anymore more frames from that same hive from now on.

The next job to do in Postwick is to give all the colonies a tray of Apiguard each. I bought two more packs today.

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