Sunday, August 31, 2008

I did no beekeeping yesterday Saturday August 30th as we spent the day at the Maverick music festival

Despite the weather forecast of doom and gloom the day has started warm and still - the forecasters could be right though and there could be thunder on it's way.

Most of the day was warm and sunny - until I got halfway through looking at my Postwick apiary when it started to rain and I therefore didn't check every hive.

All the hives that I gave syrup to before going away have used it all up.
Two hives don't show evidence of a laying queen - but they may do next week as we have just had a perfect mating day.
Eight hives have a 2008 laying queen.
Four hives are now on double brood boxes.
I put Apiguard onto the hive that I put onto a double brood box today.
There is one 'old' queen still going strong that was marked white when I bought her a few months ago. She is the only one left of the three that I bought at the start of the year.

The bees here are:
Norman's Postwick - the three colonies that were there to start with.
Normans Thorpe that were moved there as queen cells.
Descendants from a daughter from Rosemary's (2006) Gentle Greek Queen that I moved there and unighted with one of the three original Postwick hives at the start of the year.
And a Hellsdon squarm that was taken there and re-queened there.

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