Friday, August 15, 2008

Norwich City Bees, Varroa treement started, Bluebell Road bees,

Bright sunny day. Extracted honey in the morning and fed bees in the afternoon. Put BluebellRoad queen into brood box from nuc box. Started putting entrance blocks on hives that I'm feeding to restrict the entrance so that bees can defend their entrance easier. Put Apiguard Varroa treatment on one of the swarms that I collected this year because I saw a mite. Actually seeing a mite is a bad sign of infestation I am informed by the experts. Seeing deformed bees is another. I'm not certain which swarm this was from those I picked up in the summer - possibly they were ones from the city office car park. I think I will name these Norwich City Bees.

Norwich city bees were housed in haste on brood frames in two superr boxes on a tempory floor that is open front and back. By the time I got around to looking at them they had built brood comb under several of the frames. So after having established that they have a laying queen I have pretty much left them to get on with it until a week or so back when I put on a regular brood box and a bucket of feed. That was until today.

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