Friday, February 5, 2010

Bill's bees

In the allotment Bill's bees were flying today and throwing out their dead for a while I removed the entrance and any dead bees that I could. The bees were actively cleaning up sugar syrup from around the edge of a leeking rapid feeder that was still top of the German queen's hive. I guess it shouldn't still be there. I 've numbered Bill's Greengage bottom brood box 4.

The other hive that had flying bees was in the top corner of the plot (I've numbered it 5). They were busy fanning at the entrance. There was some bee excrement around the hive entrance and immediate area. Unlike hive 4. That may be a sign of Nosema in the hive. The colony was the first to have a block of fondant put on in the summer and at the time I didn't think it was a strong hive.

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