Thursday, September 10, 2009

George's bees, Cherry

George's bees are doing fine after uniting with a new queen after his original queen swarmed. The two queens in the nuc boxes that were produced from the queen cells left behind by the swarming queen were OK too.

I took the top brood box off after putting the frame with the queen on into the bottom box. There is still a super on with frames of un-wired foundation in it but there was no honey in any of the frames today. The bees did draw out the wax and start storing honey in the frames but then they ate it all after the queen swarmed. With stores from two brood boxes combined the colony now has a good stock of honey in the brood box and given some fine weather and an ivy flow they could well move some of it up into a couple of the super frames.

Cherry's colony is doing OK in Old Costessy after the Thymol treatment.

Both of the colonies from the hive that had two queens in are doing fine. I switched the brood with the super on the 'supers' one today hoping that the queen will leave the super and move up into the brood box. Given enough food and fine weather she should.

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