Monday, June 1, 2009

Tina, Suffolk bees, Georges bees and Zigga

Tina is doing well and has filled the brood box so we put on another to give her some space. One queen cell in the making removed.

The bees in Suffolk are in a much better state now. On my last visit I wasn't sure that the queen in the hive with drone brood was a new queen and I removed her from the hive and put a frame with some eggs in to replace her. Today that hive had a new queen that had just started to lay. A good looking striped queen that I marked.

The queen that I had removed was also laying and looking good. I marked her too.

The old queen has several frames of capped brood now and will, I hope, start to build up again and need a second brood box on my next visit. These are all originally from Bill's bees.

George's bees are OK but he has been stung so they may need to be changed. I may switch his bees with the Laburnum swarm queen before the season is over.

Zigga in her country retreat had, from a four frame start, completely filled her brood box and was desperately in need of supers. Zigga is another candidate for a second brood box.

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