Sunday, May 24, 2009

Then the queen flew off

It took several visits to the black plastic compost bin that the bees had swarmed into before I got them into a box to take them away. In fact I didn't get them into the box until I found the queen on the outside and picked her up and put her in the box myself. After making up a brood box for them and putting in a couple of frames of honey to entice them to stay I tipped the bees onto the top of the brood box. As I have done several times this year already. Watching the bees sort themselves out I noticed the queen again and though ah! I should mark her but she slipped down between the frames as I found my marking pen. So I thought that was the end of that good idea until up she popped again. She was nipping around pretty fast and I only got just to tip one wing with green as she left the top of the box and flew up into the air.

The one single brood box that survived last winter was getting very excited as I left that apiary. A mated queen returning or a virgin queen leaving?

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