Wednesday, May 20, 2009

DN4 Frames

DN4 Frames made up with new foundation are the order of the day. I picked up another small swarm this evening that was hanging under the seat of a swing in Bracon Ash. I have housed it on the allotment to the left of the path towards the end.

The laburnum swarm is doing well but has no laying queen at the moment. I put a frame of eggs in from the Blowthorpe compost bin swarm, that has started laying in the new ND4 frames in the brood box above the old super they were originally put in, to see if they are without a queen and make a queen cell.

I had a quick look into Honey Stripes hive and she is laying well. There were two full supers of honey on the hive so I gave it two more supers. Willow is also still laying well and eluding capture. When opened in the middle of a sunny day Willows bees are not so bad and quite easy to work with but if they are left until the evening or opened in bad weather the protest and sting.

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