Friday, March 13, 2009

Postwick apiary down to 7 hives

Postwick apiary is now down to 7 hives. The bee hive that had the rodent rip open the crown board didn't make it after all. Of the seven hives remaining one has an old queen that is not laying. I saw her in the box but there were no eggs or brood I put a frame with some eggs in from one of the other hives and will put more frames of eggs in now on each visit until the bees decide to supersede her. Two of the other hives are strong and thriving on double brood boxes. The hive at the back is on a double brood box but may as well have the bottom box removed. I moved the hive and it a plastic box to stand on and an open mesh base. The old hive floor was in a bit of state. The bees found the move a bit disoriantating but I guess they will get used to it in a couple of days. The swarm hive has a small but strong colony and a light queen. I think they will build up well during the year. One hive had signs of a bad Varroa infection with a couple of young bees with deformed wings. I gave it a tray of Apiguard. They will all need 2 trays each in the next few weeks.

All three hives at Thorpe seem to be doing well but I haven't opened them up yet.

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