Saturday, February 21, 2009

Allotment apiary

In the allotment apiary the sun was shining again today and everything was flowering at once and making up for lost time. The snowdrops, aconites and crocus were all open for business today.

I noticed at the end of the day that there were hungry bees about and any old stores that can be got at had bees going for it. My swarm hive in the allotment had some super frames exposed where I removed the super to put the fondant on top of the second brood box. Some of the frames haves stores in and the bees had found them. I have put the super back under the crown board now.

I don't know if they were my bees or not, but I am going to do some more feeding next week. There are some hives that I'm pretty sure are not starving as the bees are still not taking much notice of the fondant I gave them weeks ago. But those that have finished the fondant I am going to liquid feed just to be on the safe side. Those that had liquid feed on have all emptied their buckets recently.

Some of the hives that are a single brood only or have a brood and a half I am going to add another brood box to and feed the bees constantly until I can open them up in March.

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