Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My allotment apiary

A warm, sunny, perfect autumn day.

Yesterday I put full feeder buckets on all of the hives at my allotment. And one on the on hive on Furgle's allotment but I didn't have time to open up any of the hives.

The hive on Tina's plot is my only hive that hasn't had any sugar at all so far this year but then it has had all of the wet supers to clean up. However, I will open it up soon and check it for stores.

On my plot there were two hives that needed a little sorting out.

The daughter of the queen that swarmed under the hive in Thorpe that re-queened at the allotment is now finally in a brood box on a hive floor. They have a fair amount of stores but may still need one more bucket once this one is finished.

One of the swarms that I picked this year was housed in haste and made honey comb under the brood frames because they were housed on double supers. That hive has finally been sorted out and that queen is now in a regular brood box on a newly positioned base and under a queen excluder.

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